Ep. 05: W for Workplace
On this episode, Sunetro and Farhad discuss their work life and how inclusive it is or isn't. Do you tell people at workplace that you are queer? Do you fear being discriminated due to your sexual identity? Is workplace a safe space for queer people? What does 'butch it up' phrase mean? Do you confront homophobia at workplace? Tune in to this episode to find out how can workplaces become inclusive. You can follow Farhad on his instagram handle: @theqr8r You can follow Sunetro on his instagram handle: @glitterbugged You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app. You can check out our website at http://www.ivmpodcasts.com/