Organizing an Economic Transition

Episode 76 - The Transition There are lots of folks out there looking for ways to create an economic transition to a more resource-based system. They're done waiting for our government or other big organizations to take the first step.  Like our former guest, Michael E. V. Knight, they believe that real solutions will begin with individuals implementing new systems in their own lives and in their own communities. But too often, these folks are duplicating the efforts of others and re-inventing the wheel, creating needless work and minimizing their effectiveness. Wouldn't it be great if there was a place where they could find resources, education and networking opportunities to help? Gathering the Tribe There is.  The Transition seeks to unite people who are willing to take action towards enhancing and protecting all life and our environment for future generations.  It's purpose is to construct real solutions by providing the support, space and resources to do so via the community's collective knowledge and common heritage of the Earth's resources. The Transition also works towards discovering the root causes of major issues we face and proposes alternatives to the destructive systems we have in place today, supporting an economic transition. It's website platform can also be useful to those finding themselves in many different life situations such as those who live communally; those trying to create new social change groups or alternative living situations; or those already involved in growing networks of activists. Creating an Economic Transition In this episode, Nicole Bienfang discusses how The Transition helps people take action. Nicole is an entrepreneur, attention economist, interdisciplinary thinker, activist advocate, consultant, social artist, cultural creative, social architect and a founding member of The Transition. Nicole also shares a bit of her story and how she got involved with The Transition.  Surprisingly, her story begins with the same activity that woke Marc Angelo Coppola up: binge watching documentaries. 1:00 - Chronic Illness - Binge documentary watching 3:00 - The Venus Project - Resource Based Economy 6:00 - Michael E.V Knight - Build a Resource Based Economy Now Facebook Group 10:00 - Intentional Communities considered patchwork solution by Venus Project  11:15 -  Identifying common themes within the tribe  13:00 - Decided to create our own website 15:15 - Status of RBE Facebook Group now 16:30 - How the website helps people interested in taking action  18:00 - Pitfalls of too many groups trying to do the same thing 20:45 - Difference between The Transition and Transition Towns 24:15 - Top Down vs Bottom Up Approach 27:45 - Objectives of The Transition and how it takes action to meet them 29:45 - Identifying best ways to start taking action and developing "Your Action Plan" 31:00 - Matching resources to needs 32:45 - The Transition is a reciprocal organization - Stone Soup 36:45 - The powerful hidden fringe benefit of all this 39:30 - "There is no soup unless you put in some potatoes" 41:45 - Making fringe society mainstream 43:30 - Attracting and organizing volunteers and groups 45:00 - Developing a crowd-funding platform for funding member projects 47:30 - Some of the projects that are being helped by the site 49:30 - Site being used as a filter to find serious people for projects 51:00 - How can people make the best use of The Transition website? 54:45 - The importance of non-violent communication 57:30 - The importance of re- assessing the usefulness of our current system 59:00 - Ways to contribute to the Transition community and benefits of contributing 1:02:20 - Yearly conference at Twin Oaks Intentional Community                  

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