SLP 069 How to Design the Life You Want Applying Permaculture Design
Marianne and Amelia set out in this interview to explore the importance of Permaculture Teacher Training and to talk about the training Amelia had just completed. However, very quickly their conversation went to the importance of communication and to the most important aspect: Listening. Listening to others of course, but almost more importantly, listening to the Self. What is our Inner self telling us. Are we listening? Are we ignoring it and instead follow the "shoulds" and "musts" which are so plentiful in all of our lives. Before we knew it, we were talking about children, preschool situations, the amount of violence children are exposed to and so much more. Here is more about Amelia: Amelia Roache has made Ocean Beach, San Diego her home for most of 18 years. She started on a decided path of healing over 20 years ago learning the modalities of Healing Touch and Esoteric Healing. Then came T'ai Chi Chih and her accreditation as an instructor. Nonviolent Communication (Marshall B. Rosenberg) followed and became her primary focus of exploration and teaching. Soon after, she came upon Permaculture Design as happen-stance by glancing through a magazine and has been devoted to the practice ever since. Three times certified and recently teacher certified, she brings Permaculture Design "camps" to youth and families and, as a consultant and designer. She continues on the path of healer and embraces "adventurer shaman" ways in combination with soul communication services. She is excited to approach corporate environments and provide many services, including her unique tool for transformation she calls, "Ambient Movement".