3. Ilona Gerasimov: Creating a Business From Nothing, Always Finding a Way, Creating the Life You Desire, and Never Being Complacent
Today on the show, Olivia sits down with Ilona Gerasimov which is the creator and co-owner of Kozha Numbers, a luxury purse company located in Portland Oregon. Today the ladies dive into what it means to never give up, and to ALWAYS find a way even when it's hard. Ilona shares her mindset with us, and how important it is to pursue the life you truly want, even when it seems impossible. Ilona started Kozha Numbers with no previous knowledge of what it takes to start a business, and she was 21 years old. Her story is nothing short of amazing, and so are her designs. If you or someone you know is starting a business, this is the episode for you. To follow alone with Olivia head HERE To see the designs of Kozha Numbers head HERE Do you want to join us on Instagram? Head HERE Don't forget to join our secret Facebook group! We will shake it up with you next Tuesday.