JS004 Psychology of Effective Time Management
A lot of people suffer with time management skills. So today’s topic is focused towards some tips and tricks you can try and implement in your life to be more productive. 1- Try Pomodoro. This is a pop-psychology technique created by entrepreneur and productivity consultant Francesco Cirillo. The basics: Set a timer and work for 25 minutes straight, without any interruptions or distractions, then take a five-minute break. After four cycles, take a longer, 15- to 20-minute break. Repeat until your task is finished. and Cirillo's book The Pomodoro Technique has been read by more than two million people. 2 - Think of Saying Thank You “When you are thankful and grateful for what you're doing in life, even when you are spread thin, it helps immediately with giving you the energy and motivation to get things done,” says Larry Marks, a clinical psychologist at the University of Central Florida. In one study at the University of California, Davis, participants who kept a daily journal of things they were thankful for showed more enthusiasm, energy and determination than people who wrote neutral entries or kept track of annoyances. 3- Prioritize You can’t do everything at once and now that’s where most of us feel overwhelmed because we have so much to do but not sure where to start. Simple rule is what is the one thing on your to do list you can’t afford to do tomorrow. Or the one that will have the biggest impact on you or your business. Start from that and have a checklist that you can cross things off, I personally prefer to write that checklist on my outlook calendar day and this helps me even 4- Spend your 1,440 wisely There are 24 hours in day and therefore 1,440 minutes. Spend them wisely. According to a survey by Salary.com, the average person gets one interruption every 8 minutes and the average interruption lasts 5 minutes. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as “little value” or “no value”, creating approximately 3 hours of wasted time per day Next time someone comes to your office and asks if you have a minute, say “yes, i have 1,440 minutes”. They will probably be confused and ask what you mean. Explain that we all have 1,440 minutes in one day. By explaining this to people you are reminding them that our time is finite. We shouldn’t be so careless with our minutes. You have every right to be selfish with you time and make the most of every minute in your day. The single most important thing when it comes to time and productivity isn’t a tactic or a trick—it’s a shift in mindset. Self-made millionaires, Olympic athletes, straight-A students and other highly successful people think about time differently. They experience time differently. Money can be lost and made again. Close friends often go away and are replaced with new friends. We can be sick and return to health, and if our disease is actually terminal it is emotionally devastating because so little time is left. Time is unique. You can never lose time and get it back again. You can’t spend time and go out and earn more of it. You can’t buy it, rent it, or borrow it. Time is our most important asset.