Let's get talking!
In this introductory episode of baaton ki therapy, Prag and Piyush will talk about the podcasts they love to listen to and the idea that sparked their friendship and why they ended up with two mics in front of them and recording their podcasts! Therapy for all! Here are few podcasts they absolutely love to listen to! The WAN show - Latest in tech news Ear Biscuits - Random topics of two life long friends and youtube juggernauts Still Untitled - Cool gadgets, films and cosplaying How I built this - Big people from big industries talking about their stories The Moth - Stories for light listening The Big Question - A light hearted show on questions that we all ask Maed in India - Indie pop music Cyrus Says - A fun and comedy podcast from the “Bakra Fame” The Daily - New York times podcast for the current topics around the world The opening music is from Pranav Bhasin, go check him out on sound cloud. https://soundcloud.com/pranavbhasiin/