Krishnamurti with Asit Chandmal - Thought cannot investigate into intelligence
This conversation took place at Brockwood Park in 1982. Krishnamurti asks: Do you accept that intelligence is not the product of thought? What do you have you left when you don’t use the brain to inquire? What is not contaminated by thought? Can your brain observe something whole without any kind of fragmentation? Krishnamurti and Asit Chandmal were friends for many years, and Krishnamurti would often stay with him when in Bombay. Chandmal studied engineering in London, where he later taught mathematical economics, before becoming finance director at Tata Motors. His interest in computing led to Chandmal’s involvement with many Silicon Valley start-ups. A trustee of the Krishnamurti Foundation India, he was also a keen photographer and in 1985 published the One Thousand Moons, a book of photographs illustrating a year in Krishnamurti’s life. Find us online at and on social media as Krishnamurti Foundation Trust