Conversation with Donald Ingram Smith
This conversation between Krishnamurti and Donald Ingram Smith, entitled 'Awareness is a mirror in which the movement of thought is perceived', was recorded in Ojai, California in 1977. Krishnamurti asks whether all of consciousness is made up of its content. Can thought be aware of itself? Is whatever thought has created reality? Intelligence is not a product of thought. Thought has limited itself, made itself a fragment. Attention is the summation of all energy. Donald Ingram Smith was a well-known Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) broadcaster from Sydney. For many years he was involved with the recording of Krishnamurti’s talks in Australia and India. He also hosted a radio programme on Krishnamurti. Ingram Smith first met Krishnamurti in 1949 and his memoirs of the times he spent with Krishnamurti through to his death are published in the book Creative Happiness: A Journey with J. Krishnamurti. Find us online at and on social media as Krishnamurti Foundation Trust