Mohnish Pabrai Lecture at Boston College (Carroll School of Mgmt) - November 7, 2019
Distinguished Speaker Series
Applied Fundamental Analysis & Worldly Value investing
Professor Arvind Navaratnam
(00:00:00) - Introduction
(00:01:30) - GrafTech
(00:13:00) - Quality compounders
(00:25:10) - Heads I win, tails I don’t lose much
(00:31:42) - Passionate about investing
(00:34:00) - Past mistakes
(00:40:48) - Finding right balance
(00:45:25) - Why should it be easy to get rich?
(00:48:39) - Quality of management team
(00:56:00) - Investing in Turkey
(01:01:57) - Balancing price and business quality
(01:04:34) - Expanding circle of competence
(01:09:10) - Portfolio vs. new opportunities
(01:14:15) - Book recommendation