#56 - Turner on Rules for Robots
In this episode I talk to Jacob Turner. Jacob is a barrister and author. We chat about his new book, Robot Rules: Regulating Artificial Intelligence (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), which discusses how to address legal responsibility, rights and ethics for AI.You can download here or listen below. You can also subscribe to the show on iTunes, Stitcher and a variety of other services (the RSS feed is here).Show Notes 0:00 - Introduction 1:33 - Why did Jacob write Robot Rules? 2:47 - Do we need special legal rules for AI? 6:34 - The responsibility 'gap' problem 11:50 - Private law vs criminal law: why it's important to remember the distinction 14:08 - Is is easy to plug the responsibility gap in private law? 23:07 - Do we need to think about the criminal law responsibility gap? 26:14 - Is it absurd to hold AI criminally responsible? 30:24 - The problem with holding proximate humans responsible 36:40 - The positive side of responsibility: lessons from the Monkey selfie case 41:50 - What is legal personhood and what would it mean to grant it to an AI? 48:57 - Pragmatic reasons for granting an AI legal personhood 51:48 - Is this a slippery slope? 56:00 - Explainability and AI: Why is this important? 1:02:38 - Is there are right to explanation under EU law? 1:06:16 - Is explainability something that requires a technical solution not a legal solution? 1:08:32 - The danger of fetishising explainability Relevant Links Robot Rules: Regulating Artificial Intelligence Website for the book Jacob on Twitter Jacob giving a lecture about the book at the University of Law "Robots, Law and the Retribution Gap" by John Danaher The Darknet Shopper Case The Monkey Selfie Case Algorithmic Entities by Lynn LoPucki (discussing Shawn Bayern's argument) Matthew Scherer's critique of Bayern's claim that AI's can already acquire legal personhood Subscribe to the newsletter