Episode 4 - You are my source of faith and strength
You are my source of faith and strength You are my anchor. My faith in you gives me all the strength I need to face any situation. If great souls like Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Buddha, Mahavira, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Swami Vivekananda, APJ Abdul Kalam, Albert Einstein, Rabindranath Tagore… had faith in faith, then there must be some substance in faith. After all, it is an illustrious list of greatest of thinkers. The United States of America, arguably one of the most scientifically advanced nations, has this inscription on its coins: 'In God we Trust'. Faith is not anti-science; it is just beyond the comprehension of science. Faith is like electricity - you can't see it, but you can see light. Faith may be beyond our comprehension, but the results of faith are there for all of us to see. Faith is not subject to verification. And if you want to verify, then it is not faith. Faith is beyond human judgement. Faith is the ability to trust what you are not able to see. If faith is in believing what you cannot see, then the reward of faith will be that you will one day see what you always believed in. 'Faith' is even above God. After all, only for those who have faith, there is a God. Faith is above everything. In reality, it is not your God, who is making your faith work. In fact, it is your faith that is making your God work. His God is weak because his faith is weak. Her God is powerful because her faith is powerful. In fact, the power of the object of your faith is derived from the power of your faith in the object. Faith is the basis of your relationship with the force above… the force beyond… the force within. It doesn't matter by what name you refer to your object of faith! What's important is that you do have an object of faith to direct your faith. Though it is not the 'object of faith', but it is 'faith' that creates miracles, you still need an object of faith to direct your faith. It was 'Abba' to Jesus; it was 'Jesus' to Mother Teresa; it was 'Krishna' to Draupadi; it was 'Allah' to Prophet; it was 'Ram' to Hanuman, and it is 'Hanuman' to many of his devotees. Yet, all of them have experienced the miraculous power of faith in their lives. Faith transforms an ordinary vibration of thought created by the finite mind of man into a spiritual equivalent. Faith is the only gate through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man. Like ideas which are more powerful than the mind that gave birth to them - for ideas have the power to live on much after the mind that created them has turned to dust - faith too is more potent than the 'object' on which the faith is directed. With faith in faith, infinitheists too open the doors of miracles in their life by praying, “You are my source of faith and strength…” to their Source. So the fourth line in the infiniprayer - You are my source of faith and strength. Watch video at https://youtu.be/pReN0wZ9AzU www.infinitheism.com