Episode 3 - Feeling Thy Radiance

Feeling Thy Radiance Feeling the radiant light glow within, liberating me from the darkness of ignorance through the radiance of knowledge As human beings, we have come a long way from the cavemen we were to what we are today. While all other creations have shown only marginal evolution through these centuries of living, human progress has been dramatic. Who made this possible? The teachers! You may say - the thinkers! But then, who have been the link between those thinkers, and you and me? Again, the teachers! Who have been the connecting thread to the wisdom of every age? The teachers! Who have been the cultural bridge from one generation to another? The teachers! Who have been responsible for the flow of language and communication across culture and civilisation? The teachers! How did the prophecies of enlightened masters, the logic of the mathematicians, the discoveries and inventions of the scientists, the thoughts and ideas of the philosophers, the history of the history makers, etc., reach the common man? Only through teachers! Teachers are not just those who teach in schools and colleges but anyone who has played a part in altering the state of your mind and heart, and thus your life. It could be your parents from whom you inherited the basics of life. Parents help you to move from nothing to something. Their contribution in your life is equivalent to transforming zero into one, which is infinite transformation. It could be your friends from whom you imbibed your attitudes and character; it could be your professional mentors who shaped your competence; it could be your trainers who developed your skill sets; it could be your school and college teachers who groomed your knowledge; it could be your Guru through whom you had your spiritual initiation; why, it could even be a child who has impacted you in ways no other has. Anyone, who removes the darkness and delusion from your heart and mind by illuminating you with the radiance of higher wisdom is a teacher. A teacher is a Cosmic radiance in human form. And, a teacher is a Cosmic gift in your life. A teacher is a Cosmic representation in your life. A teacher is His representation, present in your life at that point of time, by His will and His grace. Feeling thy radiance in the infiniprayer is your way of expressing your gratitude to that Cosmic source, for touching your life through a chosen instrument called teacher. Ingratitude to the source of knowledge makes that knowledge useless. You may know it, you may understand it, you might have even mastered it, but that knowledge will not help you when you need it the most, if you are not grateful to that source of knowledge. Remember, what the source of knowledge means to you makes no difference to the source of knowledge; but, it makes all the difference to you. The heart of a seeker towards his teacher is more important than the heart of a teacher towards his seeker. The blessing of your teacher unto you is more dependent on how you see your teacher, rather than how your teacher sees you. Hence, we sing Feeling thy radiance in the infiniprayer, to express our gratitude to that radiant presence in our life, for bringing a teacher into our life at that point of time and thus liberating us from the darkness of ignorance through the radiance of knowledge. So the third line in the infiniprayer - Feeling Thy radiance. Watch video at https://youtu.be/rDxJ5fbs3XU www.infinitheism.com

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