#82 - Keep St. Mary's College Weird
Do you want to learn about why it's important to be weird? In this episode, hear from David Hautanen - Vice President for Enrollment Management at St. Mary's College - about why he loves St. Mary's, and how important it is to be truly yourself. If you want to hear about how your weirdness can help you get into college, this episode is for you. If you want to know how to balance parent involvement with your college application, this episode is for you.
TRUTH: Colleges want you to BE YOU, be weird, find a tribe, and take the lead.
TIP: If you let yourself be yourself and find who you are, find something you love, and take ownership over YOUR college application process, colleges will recognize you as a strong, unique individual who can take ownership.
In this episode, you'll hear from David about his current role at St. Mary's, learn about David's personal journey to college and how it connects directly to his best tips for college applicants today, hear a tale from David about a student whose parent was TOO involved, a finally you'll hear about why David does the work that he does.
Give this episode a listen to learn from David's wonderful stories and advice!!
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