#80 - On the Ramp to Your Future
How do you make your college application stand out? Check out this interview with Carl Forbes, Associate Director for Multicultural Admissions at The Evergreen State College. If you're thinking about how to show off your passions to colleges, this episode is for you. If you're curious about the perspective of an admissions office expert, this episode is for you.
TIP: Counting Backwards Forces Forward Thinking
TALE: Picture this: On your 10th birthday there are only 7 candles burning atop your yellow cake with white frosting. “I’m ten,” Carl reminded his mother. She looked straight at him, eyeballs to eyeballs, “I know. Seven is the number of years I have left with you.”
When you listen to Carl tell this story it will just melt your heart. What an image and pivotal moment for both mom and Carl. I get chills. She was, as Carl describes, “Raising men, not boys, and men make decisions.” Carl knew at a young age that he would decide on college.
TRUTH: We celebrate milestones as we achieve them. Birthdays, graduations, and anniversaries mark the years that have passed rather than those remaining. This notion made me question if what we are doing is “right.” Maybe we should perhaps start celebrating first grade with a 16-year themed party to indicate how many years left of school your daughter or son has left. Sixth grade graduation would become a 10-year party and HS graduation a 4-year theme. You follow?
TIP: Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say.
TALE: I ask every guest to offer their best tip regarding college admissions. In this interview, Carl Forbes recited the advice he once heard from the “legendary” Peter Johnson of Columbia University. Peter suggests, “Your application should look like you and you should look like your application.” What did Peter mean? If you say you are passionate about trains, planes, and automobiles, then show us the evidence of that. What have you done that I will find that? If you want to become a doctor, lawyer, musician, we are naturally going to look for activities, events, and experiences you’ve had BEFORE arriving to college that shows your interest and engagement.
TRUTH: When it comes to highly competitive colleges we don’t believe in you just TELLING us you are “passionate” about X, you have to SHOW us how you have demonstrated your interest. The truth is this: we don’t believe you until we see it. In grown up terms you might say, “You’ve got to walk the walk and talk the talk,” or as my mother used to tell me, “Say what you mean and mean what you say."
Listen and Learn from Carl Forbes!
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