#48: Paying For College. Debt Free Degree.
Episode #48
Paying For College: Earn A Debt Free Degree.
My mother screamed on the other end of the phone and I ran around the house like a kid on Christmas. The pure joy is indescribable. When I look back now, I understand there is no other satisfaction than seeing your child happy.
I cannot imagine where I would be if Mom had said, “Ladybug, we can’t afford to send you to your dream college.”
Parents, the best gift you can give your child is a debt free college diploma. If you have a child in elementary school, this episode is for you. If you have a middle schooler, this episode is for you, if you have a college-bound teen headed for college in the next 4 years, this show is especially for you.
Our guest today, Jocelyn Paonita, earned over 120K in scholarships to pay for college. Instead of debt, Jocelyn left college with savings and bought her first investment property shortly after graduation. Jocelyn founded The Scholarship System so she could teach YOU what to do and how to do it!! You’ll want to listen to this entire episode.
Learn Jocelyn's road to earning a completely debt free degree AND even having extra in the bank when she left college.
You will learn the 4 Cs to closing that gap of what it costs and what you will pay. Credits, College, Cost, and Cash. What you need to know in order to leverage each of these before choosing a dream college for your teen.
So much to learn, my head was spinning. Be sure to take notes!
Jocelyn Paonita Pearson founded The Scholarship System to share her own experience of graduating from college with ZERO student loans. When college looked unaffordable for Jocelyn, she sprang into action and secured over $126,000 in college scholarships, even receiving an overage check for expenses. It wasn't an easy process, however. It took her years to figure out exactly what to do to be selected for scholarships. Now she helps families learn how they can do the same by teaching them her 6-step System. Families have secured over $2.3M in scholarships to date and growing! Jocelyn is from Charleston, South Carolina and is married to her husband, Donny.
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