Ep. 59: First Step to Mind-Blowing Sex
Last week I did a masterclass called “3 Simple Steps to Mindblowing Sex”. The reason I wanted to do this is that there’s a lot of information, and definitely misinformation, out there, and it can be confusing to even know where to begin when it comes to having better sex. These are the three foundational steps. If you’re not having the kind of sex you’d like to be having, it all comes down to one of these three steps. You’re either not doing one of these things, you’re not doing one of these things enough, or you’re not doing one of these three things correctly.
I also get to share with you something I’ve been working on for months! It’s a group coaching experience, called Better Sex in 90 Days. This is the most comprehensive, accessible program, that you could ever get to help you better your sex life. This takes the topics that I cover in the podcast, and gives you practical and workable ways to get the better sex that we all want, and making that part of who you are. The thing I’m most excited about for this program is because I really feel like something special happens when a group of women gathers and allow themselves to talk about something openly that has been off-limits for so long. When women start opening up and talking about it, you realize you’re not alone. To learn more, go to https://daniellesavory.com/group/
Step 1 - Have Sex
- You have to have sex if you want it to get better
- The main reasons women aren’t having sex: fear, not being committed to the outcome, having sex the wrong way
- Your brain makes things scarier than they turn out to be, and that’s where the fear comes in.
- Fear of rejection, being awkward, embarrassed, or that things will not work out as planned. What are we making that mean?
- We let sex become optional.
- Thinking we have to be “in the mood”
- Sex can actually be a “want”, versus an obligation
- Remind yourself that you do want the bigger result of becoming a sexually pleasured woman.
In the following episodes, I’ll be covering steps 2 and 3, “get out of your head, and into your body,” and “turn on your ons, and turn off your offs”. It has been my absolute pleasure sharing this with you and covering the foundation of how to have mindblowing sex. Remember to check out my 90-day group coaching, Better Sex in 90 Days if you want to take this work to the next level.