17: Camping Secrets : Motorcycle Maintenance While Travelling
Jim Martin and the co-hosts on ARR RAW talk about what you need to consider when looking for a place to put your head down for the night, and how to handle doing maintenance on your bike when travelling. Ideal Camping: when choosing somewhere to camp overnight, what are the things you look for that make an ideal camp spot? camp away or near the road? do you look for a site with water, or not worry about it? do you plan ahead or wing it? what time of day do you settle for the night? what if you’re in an urban area, have you ever just found an out of the way spot or truck stop and set up for the night? unusual camping experiences Moto Maintenance best ways to get work done? deciding on reputable shops? Doing it yourself: where to work? what to do with old oil? setting up your work area? essential lubricants to travel with (to be carried) on-tool items that must be carried (duct tape, zip ties - what else?) good for quick fixes RAW CO-HOSTS Sam Manicom - Author of motorcycle adventure books: Into Africa, Under Asian Skies, Distant Suns a Tortillas to Totems - www.sam-manicom.com **Tortillas to Totems Audio Book: http://www.sam-manicom.com/tortillas-to-totems/tortillas-to-totems-audio-book/#.WRNadFPyveQ Grant Johnson - Horizons Unlimited - THE premier source for information on motorcycle and overland adventure travel since 1997. www.horizunsunlimited.com HU Events: http://www.HorizonsUnlimited.com/events Achievable Dream Online: https://vimeo.com/horizonsunlimited **Enter the Horizons Unlimited Calendar Contest for 2018 here: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/events/2016-photo-contest-2018-calendar Graham Field - Author of motorcycle adventure books: In Search of Greener Grass, Ureka a Different Natures - http://grahamfield.co.uk/ **In Search of Greener Grass is now available in the United States. You can get it through Road Dog Publications: http://www.roaddogpub.com/ Shirley Hardy Rix a Brian Rix - Authors of motorcycle adventure books: Two for the Road, Circle to Circle a The Long Way to Vladivostok - www.aussiesoverland.com.au