11 RAW: Bulk vs Comfort | Getting in to the Groove | What You Wear Under There | Fit for Riding

Featuring Shirley Hardy-Rix a Brian Rix, Grant Johnson, Sam Manicom, Graham Field and Jim Martin with Guests Lisa a Simon Thomas   Motorcycle Weight/Bulk vs Comfort As Suggested by RAW listener, Paul Crowder “My suggested topic is. On a long trip is it worth sacrificing weight savings for comfort. In particular taking a larger tent and chair for when you are forced to hole up in bad weather.” How do you balance? What are you personal preferences? Are there things you take that aren’t the norm. Why?   Getting in to the Groove - How Long Does it Take? As Suggested by RAW Listener, Rachel Lawson: “I’ve been lucky to do a couple of EU trips this year and all good but I've found I've suddenly got the urge to go home.  I worry if I did a "big trip", how would I get over that feeling. How do you cope a overcome that?” Under Garments for Riding What is your choice underwear? Do you use bicycle shorts, rider undies...   Fitness for Long Distance Motorcycle Riding Is there anything you do to stay fit for riding at home? And while on a trip? Dealing with stiffness, chafing etc.  Tips for personal comfort.   RAW PANEL Grant Johnson - Horizons Unlimited - THE premier source for information on motorcycle and overland adventure travel since 1997. www.horizunsunlimited.com Sam Manicom - Author of motorcycle adventure books: Into Africa, Under Asian Skies, Distant Suns a Tortillas to Totems - www.sam-manicom.com Graham Field - Author of motorcycle adventure books: In Search of Greener Grass, Ureka a Different Natures - http://grahamfield.co.uk/ Shirley Hardy Rix a Brian Rix - Authors of motorcycle adventure books: Two for the Road, Circle to Circle a The Long Way to Vladivostok - www.aussiesoverland.com.au Jim Martin - Host of Adventure Rider Radio and ARR RAW - www.adventureriderradio.com   SHOW GUESTS Lisa a Simon Thomas - Motorcycle adventure travellers - www.2ridetheworld.com   Listen to more of our best motorcycle podcasts at www.AdventureRiderRadio.com

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