ARR RAW Episode 2: Bribes, Bling and Medical Coverage for Travellers
Episode 2 Topics: Bribes The pros and cons of paying bribes, dangers and more. Tips on how to deal with a demand for bribes and ways to wiggle through without emptying your wallet. Bling, Expensive Bikes and Suits and Their Effects on Your Travel Experience Does Bling or fancy expensive gear make people treat you differently when traveling. Will your gear affect border crossings? Do officials charge you more when they see a high priced bike and gear? Who Needs Travellers Medical Coverage What Medical coverage do you NEED if any. Pitfalls to avoid when buying medical coverage and some questions you NEED to ask before you buy any MED insurance. Can you trust foreign hospitals? How to determine which hospital is higher quality. Which type of hotel to check into if you are ill. Graham Field - Grant Johnson - Shirley Hardy-Rix, Brian Rix - Sam Manicom - Adventure Rider Radio RAW -