Episode 8, The Teleological Argument (Part I)
Watch out! Time’s ticking as the boys go bowling in part one of our wicked awesome super mega two-part special on the teleological argument! The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/proves the existence of God a posteriori. Tweet us your thoughts www.twitter.com/thepanpsycast. Part I. William Paley (4:45), Part II. St. Thomas Aquinas (51:50), Part III. Other Formulations (00:00 in Part II), Part IV. Further Analysis and Discussion (12:06 in Part II). You can find links to all the reading at www.thepanpsychist.com/panpsycast. Make sure you’ve subscribed to us on iTunes to get new episodes as and when they’re released! Thank you, we hope you enjoy the episode!