Episode 4, Aquinas' Natural Law (Part I)
Part I: Masturbation, peasants and pineapples… The file size is large, please be patient whilst the podcast buffers/downloads/becomes one with God. In this two-part special, we take a look at St Thomas Aquinas and natural law. Links to all the reading can be found at www.thepanpsychist.com/panpsycast. Sections: I. Aquinas and Teleology (Part I: 8:55) II. Four Tiers of Law (Part I: 26:10), III. The Precepts (Part I: 43:35), IV. Further discussion and Analysis (Part II: 19:00). The voices in this episode are owned by Jack Symes, Andrew Horton and Ollie Marley. Apologies for the low quality of the audio in sections of this podcast; we has serious production issues with this one. Rather than rerecording the entire episode, we thought it would be best to fix it up to the best of our abilities and distribute it. Thank you again for all of your support.