EP 1 - Pilot episode - Book of 5 Rngs , Tao Te Ching, - Attachement equals suffering and general show intro
This is the Pilot Episode of the Alpha Male Buddhist from Brooklyn Podcast- In this episode I will introduce the podcast, topics I will cover in the show. I will also give my insights into living a self realized life. No sugar coating, this is raw, unfiltered knowledge. I have my masters degree from the Univercity of hard knocks also known as the ghetto streets of Downtown Brooklyn New York (the Hood, the projects). I am a Puerto Rican or sholud I say, a New Yorican and I want to share my views on life, true fullfillment, and self realization. I Grew up in "so called" poverty on welfair, lost my Dad at 6 years old, and mom's struggeled to bring up the family as best she could. I must say the love of my mother was the key to my success, Today I live a good life with my own family and speak from a position of real life experence. In 1972 ( I was age 12) tv show aired called "Kung FU" starring David Carradine. One of the Monks on the show was named Master PO. The wisdom of Master Po awakened me to "knowledge of self" thus started my journey into Eastern wisdom. Just run a search in youtube for Kung Fu "Master Po" guarnteed this monk will blow your mind even today for sure. I then started reading Eastern philosophy at age 16 years old. No jugment, no snow flaking or safe spaces here, just truth, and love. I started listening to Podcast before there was such a thing as "podcast" I listened to Joe Rogan MP3 files on his website. Which became todays most popular podcast "the Joe Rogan Exp." I also listen to many more podcast... Hope you enjoy the show. Namaste