03: What Will We Eat?
After reading a hilarious, cringe-worthy article about the “culinary horrors of Mongolia,” we were curious what us two pescatarians would eat in the meat-loving countries of Central Asia, so my brother and I take a field trip to Cheburechnaya – an Uzbeki restaurant in Queens, NY – to find out. We also give updates on some of the many things we’ve been up to since the last episode, like getting more vaccinations and visas and taking a class to learn emergency first aid. Read more and see photos on my website. Far From Home is a series, so it’s best to listen to all the episodes in order from the beginning for the story to make the most sense. Learn more about our trip and follow our adventures at farfromhomepodcast.org and teamdonundestan.com. And if you like what you hear, please do me a favor and leave a quick rating or review in iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts!