Sales Podcast | Step 3 a 4 Build A Health Self Image | Educate, Learn and Earn!

How to build a positive, healthy self-image to be successful in sales? A Sales career is not for people with a negative self-image. You will just not make it. Step 3 a 4 Are Very Close To Each Other and I classify them a “Life Long Learning” Quote: By Allan Bloom – American Philosopher He is best known for his book “The Closing Of The American Mind” “Education is the movement from darkness to light” Step 3 is to read biographies and autobiographies of men and women who used what they had and got a great deal out of life by making contributions to life. When we see a successful person and, often overlook their failures they faced before they became successful. A name that pops right up is of Colonel Sanders who started KFC at the age of 60. His life did not end at the age of 35 or 40. He lived it till he breathes last. Inspiring. Ray Kroc is another one to read and learn from. He was a visionary and persistent entrepreneur and a good example for all of us sales professionals. If you do not know Ray Kroc, he was the one who made McDonalds a franchise and a fast food chain all across the globe. The story of Ray Kroc is an interesting one. He was a Milk Shake sales person and he receives an order from a restaurant in California for 8 milkshake maker. A general order size was one or two. Ray took this opportunity visited the location and formed McDonald's that we know today. If you are a Netflix person, you can watch his persistent and inspiring story, it is the title “The Founder”. Ray Kroc did not open the first McDonald – The First restaurant was opened by Nick Offerman and John Carrol. Speaking of Netflix – You can also watch Walt Disney’s documentary titled “Walt before Mickey” to get some real inspiration! Other great biographies to read, but not limited to Martin Luther King, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, and the list is endless. These biographies will inspire you. Step 4: Step four is very similar to step three and it is also about feeding your brain. The rule is when you are sitting down you read, and when you are moving, you play podcasts and audiobooks. Step 4 is to listen to podcasts (like you are) and play audiobooks. As a salesperson on your drive to and from work, you can make your car a university on wheels. Even driving to appointments and back you can listen to motivational speakers, podcaster and entrepreneurs to stay motivated and feed your brain the knowledge diet. Sales fellows just like Robin Sharma says, “You are the C.E.O of your own body” so please take command and learn. I understand you are on you are on track as you listen to Fastest Way To Learn Sales and get valuable sales insights however there is a lot more to learn. Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Self-Actualization, Spiritual and many more subjects that you can educate yourself while you are on the go. Why is this better than radio or playing music? I am not against music. However, it does not feed your brain the knowledge diet. Radio, on the other hand, is generally negative. How may you ask? We seldom hear good news on the mainstream media. As a funny example, the weatherman will tell you that there is a 20% chance of rain or snow. What about the 80% of the day that there is no rain or snow? You get the point. Now I want to share with one of my habits with you. When I am out on the field selling and visiting my clients, I always carry a book with me. Let's suppose I make it to my 9 AM appointment and my client is running 15 mins late, I just earned 15 mins of reading. Yes, the same time I can use in other ways. I can be on my cell phone swiping the stories on Snapchat or browsing influencers posts on Instagram or Facebook, however, this practice will not develop me, this will not help me sell more, this will not feel my brain the much-needed knowledge diet. Reading a book will! Fastest Way To Learn Sales is Saskatoon, Saskatchewan based Sales Podcast.

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