Sales Podcast | Step 2 Building Healthy Image Selling More by Dressing, Grooming and Putting Make Up

Quote by Giorgio Armani: “Good clothes makes you feel confident and improve the outcome of any activity” Italian fashion designer known for clean and tailored lines. Started in 1975. Step 2: Dress Up a Do The Make Up! Guys and Girls when you walk out of a hair Salon, how do you feel? Do you feel fresh? Do you feel confident? Do you have a smile on? All the positive energy and vibes around you and the only change you made was a hair cut!! As per a research done it gives a monemental lift to our self confidence a self image. Both men and women feel a whole lot more confident when they know their appearance is good!! A brand new dress, make up or hair cut makes women feel at ease, increase their confidence and in general just make them feel good. Same if true for men however they just do not like to admit it. Just notice next time your wife, daughter, sister or grand daughter returns back from the beauty salon, you will see a little attidute change in them. They will smile more, they will enjoy small incidents more and laugh at them more. To put it simply you will see them enjoy life! Yes, our appearance does have a direct bearing on the way we feel about ourselves. The best part is that when you dress up and do the make up not only your professional sales life reap the rewards you see a positive change in your persoanl and family life as well!! Next key point I would like to make is that dress you kids up as well! This will boost their confidence. Teachers will tell you that when kids wear their new clothes, they do their best and bring their best out to work. In Zig Ziglar’s book See You At The Top he says that Princiapls in USA verified that conduct is considerably low on the Picture Taking Days! Your outward appearance does affect your image and you performance. The outside appearance is enhancing or crippling the potetial of the person on the inside. Same goes with employers, they notice that when their employees are dressed well and look sharp the productive is high! I have also heard from people on the sales floor that So a So became a Sales Manager not because he has great seling skills, not at all. He got that role because he dress well. I say to them, well that is not that hard to beat! Especialy if you live in a country like Canada! Lastly, Brian Tracy in his book Pshychology of Selling talks about Dress For Success. Brian makes a solid point and he says that 95% of your body is covered in clothing! The 95% of the first impression you make on a prospect will be determined by your clothing. Prospect are intensly visual. The way you look and appear on the outside is considered to be an expression of the kind of person you are on the inside. I was at a dealership finishing my appointment with the General Manager of the Group. There was another sales person waiting for him and as we walk down the stairs he said good by to me and asked his assistant who is here to see me next? The assistant point out at the lady standing by reception and the General Manager said “Sorry, I did not realize that you work with this company, I could not tell just because how you are dressed.” The lady had to bring out her work id badge to confirm she represented the big company that she did. Point here my sales fellows is simple, when you are well dressed and groomed the custom unconsiously assumes that you come from a good company and that your product or service is of good quality. When you go to your sales conferences, kick off or any big sales event you will notice that the best sales people who are crushing the sales are the ones who have sense of style, are groomed and dressed well. On the other hand, there are countless salespeople who loose the battle right in the morning by leaving their homes dressed poorly. The tragedy is that no one has even takem them aside and explained it to them that the clothing is not a cost it is an investment in your self. Dress is one of the most power

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