Sales Podcast | How Poor Self Image Costs You Sales, Career and Personal Growth

The poor self-image is not for sales professionals. Poor self-image costs you sales, costs you money and costs take the longevity away from your sales life. In today’s sales podcast I share with you what is a poor self-image. Another known word for poor self-image is Inferiority Complex. I am not good enough. I can’t be the number one salesperson in the organization because I am not my manager’s favorite. I cannot be the best player in my team as my coach does not like me. These are just some examples of the poor self-image. In Sales and to be successful in sales, you must have a healthy, positive self-image! You must look at your self as THE PERSON! So don’t be a thief and steal from yourself, your family, your society, your organization the potential and the value you can offer. The quote mentioned in from Spiritual Leader Lao Tzu: “Because the one believe in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one does not need others approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” Remember when you see your self differently, you start to act differently. There are two best practices shared. One from Dalai Lama One Minute A Day In The Present Moment and Second To Encourage And Appreciate Others Out Loud. Play the sales podcast to learn more. Please like, share, review, comment and subscribe to the show. Fastest Way To Sales is Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada based Sales Podcast show.

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