Sales Podcast | Ten Traits To Become An Outstanding Sales Professional
Sales as a profession or career are not for everyone. Although I firmly believe that we as humans are constantly selling something at all time. To give you an example, a teacher is selling his/her message to the students. A child is selling a birthday party invitation to his/her parents. A leader is selling his/her message to the followers. The list is long, and you get the idea. However, sales as a career are not for everyone, and in today’s sales podcast I discuss with you ten traits that will make you an outstanding sales professional. These traits discussed in detail in the podcast, and you must play it to learn more: You will be great in sales is you have these following traits, and the ten traits are: 1. You are not normal 2. You are super committed individual 3. You are motivated 4. You have a positive self-image 5. You sacrifice 6. You delegate 7. You are an optimist 8. You are enthusiastic 9. You live off-peak 10. You are consistent a persistent The best part of all, you are not boring. You are resilient, you are a great storyteller, you have great humor, and you know when to get serious and get right to business. You are a big deal! So never sell yourself short! So, if you have put a check mark to 6 – 7 traits from the top ten list above, you will do just fine in sales. However, if you master, learn and acquire the other 4 – 3 traits, you will rock in the sales world and become a sought-after commodity! The quote mentioned in the podcast is taken from Robin Sharma – The Famous Author and his best work till date is the book titled “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.” The quote is: “No One Will Believe In You Until You Believe In You.” Please subscribe, comment, review, like or share the podcast! Thanks for tuning in and I will see you at the next show. Fastest Way To Learn Sales Podcast based out of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.