French cheese
Meet Jennifer Greco, better known online as the woman behind the Chez LouLou blog, and a cheese and wine tour guide extraordinaire. And we're talking cheese. Specifically, the mistake people make while eating it! Here are some of the points so you can remember, but please listen below (and hang around for a story at the end from Corey Frye - also related to cheese and France's history). Mistake 1: Taking the cheese straight out of the fridge - get it to room temperature first (at least an hour) Mistake 2: Cutting the nose off the Brie (don't cut the pointy tip off - it's like taking the heart of the cheese) Mistake 3: Pre-slicing the cheese (it loses its moisture). Mistake 4: Serving it as an appetizer (it's more of a separate course before dessert). Mistake 5: Storing it near other smelly food in the fridge (you should keep it in the drawer). Oh, and don't wrap it in plastic. Lastly, if you enjoy The Earful Tower podcast, consider signing up on Patreon to unlock a world of bonuses, including our Ultimate Guide to Paris which features all the best tips from all the guests from the show.