French pronunciation
Today I've got a Frenchwoman who teaches French at French Today to teach me French pronunciation today. Still following? Good. Here comes Camille Chevalier-Karfis, who runs the French Today website, and she sets me straight on how to pronounce the following ten words. (Plus we have a good old chat, with me in the studio and her at home in Paimpol, Brittany). Here are the words: Brouilly (a wine, and a place in France) Reims (a place in France) Caen (a place in France) Rouen (a place in France) Buoux (a place in France) Grenouille (a frog) Serrurerie (a locksmiths) Bouilloire (a kettle) Ecureuil (a squirrel) Vadrouille (a wander about) Hang around for a story from Corey Frye, this time about language too. Book one of his tours here, and find more from Camille here. PS: The movie Camille refers to is called La Grande Vadrouille.