Parisian in an hour?
Over 500,000 people have seen his one-man show - How to Become Parisian in One Hour - and he's still going strong. Frenchman Olivier Giraud joins us in the studio to talk about Parisians, how he came to dominate the Paris theatre scene, and to give us a lesson on how to make the French "I don't care" noise. Find out more about his show here. And for our first "Story from Corey", we hear about the most "creative" and blood-curdling execution Paris has ever seen. For more from Corey Frye and his French Frye in Paris tours, click here. As for us, we will be back very soon with author Stephen Clarke talking about his new project. Subscribe on iTunes here or sign up to this blog by clicking the little box in the bottom right corner. And if you're not following on Facebook, you're missing out on a whole lot more. Join the group here.