Susan Jacoby - The History of American Secularism

Susan Jacoby is the author of Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism, now in its tenth hardcover printing and recently published in paperback. Freethinkers was hailed in the New York Times as an "ardent and insightful work" that "seeks to rescue a proud tradition from the indifference of posterity." Named a notable nonfiction book of 2004 by The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times, Freethinkers was cited in England as one of the outstanding international books of 2004 by the Times Literary Supplement and The Guardian. Since the publication of Freethinkers, Susan Jacoby has been interviewed on NOW with Bill Moyers, The O'Reilly Factor, and the Dennis Miller Show. She has been a guest on numerous National Public Radio programs, including the Diane Rehm and Tavis Smiley shows, as well as regional NPR programs broadcast from Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Boston, Philadelphia, and Madison, WIS. In this passionate and insightful interview, she discusses America's freethought heritage and the Dover intelligent design ruling. Also in this episode, Tom Flynn presents a new segment called simply, Did You Know? detailing punchy facts about Campus Crusade for Christ, Jimmy Carter and UFO's, and the growth of superstition on American campuses; contributer Lauren Becker shares her personal reflections on her experiences working at a national park in the Bible belt. Also, Ben Radford, in his regular segment, Media Mythmakers, casts a critical eye on President Bush and his war on terror and Paul Kurtz examines the secular humanist pursuit of excellence.

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