SPS 031: Building my Business a Group Coaching Program with Jaime Tardy
Jaime Masters (Tardy) is a 7-figure business coach, keynote speaker, bestselling author, mother, entrepreneur, and someone who I am excited about having on the show today. She is the woman behind the Eventual Millionaire website and podcast. She is also the bestselling author of The Eventual Millionaire book which we are going to talk about today. She has interviewed over 200 millionaire entrepreneurs and has been featured on major news outlets like CNN, MSN, Success Magazine, and Yahoo. Today we are going to talk about her book “The Eventual Millionaire” and what it has meant for Jaime’s business and coaching along with the marketing side of the book. Jaime is a good friend of mine, and we have talked about the book often, and I am really excited to have her on the show. You can find Jaime here: Eventual Millionaire Eventual Millionaire Podcast Jaime on Twitter @eventualmillion The Eventual Millionaire by Jaime Tardy Jaime Masters on LinkedIn Show Notes [01:32] Jaime thought she wasn't a good writer, but her website was taking off and she made writing a book a goal. She also had agents interested because she had an audience from her website.[03:35] The agent contacting Jaime was timely because earlier she had made writing a book one of her goals but had put it on the backburner. [04:46] She had to decide whether to self-publish or publish traditionally. She had a story because she quit a high paying job and got out of $70,000 in debt. [07:24] Writing with a traditional publisher and meeting the deadlines can be difficult. [08:15] The purpose of the book was to condense all of her interview information for her readers. The book also helped her coaching career because people will get behind a book and promote you. The book helped with leads for her products and speaking engagements. [10:05] Also the bloggers that rose to the top had books, she wanted to also have that credibility. Her kids also thought it was pretty neat. [12:10] She found her book on the shelf at Barnes a Noble on 5th Ave. in New York.[13:06] Writing the book proposal took about three months. Just getting the book to the publisher took about a year. [18:36] How the editors and marketing from the traditional publisher weren't done very well, so Jaime still had to do additional editing and marketing. She would self-publish in the future. [21:55] Having a list is great for marketing. Always build an audience. She also added her friend's list and it equaled a million and a half people. She also did guests posts, giveaways, videos, and a landing page. She also followed a lot of Jay Baer's marketing advice. [27:26] They were sending free books to people for marketing when they did a guest post they would send a book for the host and one for them to giveaway. [29:03] She also had a press page for the book with images and tweets and everything someone would need to promote the book. The audience that moved the most books were audiences that knew her from well-trafficked blogs. She thinks anyway. [32:22] The credibility of the book for press and clients were great. Books also force you to systemize your knowledge. [36:17] She had links in the book to get leads. People who have read your book are well-qualified leads. She also had a funnel set up for the backend. The book was the first part of the funnel. The money comes from the backend. [44:00] Her parting tip for new authors is to find someone who has done it before, so you know what works or hire someone who does. Learning the process on your own is a lot. Know what you need to know. Links and Resources: self-publishingschool.com Spsfreetraining.com Pat Flynn Jay Baer Leadpages Daily Worth Business Insider The Eventual Millionaire Book Page Eventual Millionaire Eventual Millionaire Podcast Jaime on Twitter @eventualmillion The Eventual Millionaire by Jaime Tardy Jaime Masters on LinkedIn