SPS 017: How I Went From #1 NYT Book Launch to $5.1M Product Launch with Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker the #1 New York Times Bestselling Author of Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, And Live The Life Of Your Dreams. Jeff’s launch strategies have transformed the way products are sold online. Before he started talking about his product launch formula, there was almost nobody else talking about product launches. The idea of a million dollar launch even seemed ludicrous, but now no one even bats an eye at a million dollar launch. His techniques aren't just for gurus or people with established platforms. He has helped thousands of students in hundreds of different niches, and they have generated over 500 million dollars in sales using the product launch formula. His book launch was a huge success and we are going to dive into that and the impact it had on his business and The Product Launch Formula itself. We also learn how Jeff was involved in online business since 1996 and created The Product Launch Formula in 2005, and how he hopes the book will cement his legacy.   You can find Jeff here: Jeff Walker Website Product Launch Formula The Launch Book    Show Notes   [01:46] Why Jeff wrote and published Launch. He began online business in 1996 and became really good at launches. [02:04] In 2005, he began teaching launches through the Product Launch Formula. [03:05] Jeff wrote the book to get credit for his Product Launch Formula that he created. He also did it for legacy. [04:43] He also wanted to help people and generate leads for his course. [05:29] Writing the book was a challenge because he was obsessed with making it a good book. [07:03] How writing and editing at the same time wastes time. [08:02] Jeff used early morning writing time on his writing days to get his writing done. [09:06] He used relaxed melodies and binaural beats for 50 minutes at a time. Then a 10-minute break and then back on for another 50 minutes. [10:53] Having a big following and a large list helped make the marketing easier. He also used JV partners and affiliates. [11:55] During a launch you shine every asset you have on your book or product. [12:22] If you don't have a list, start one now.  [13:40] He used a 99designs contest for an awesome book cover. Then he let his community vote on the best cover which was great publicity for the book. [15:36] He also created an unboxing video of his first box of books being opened. [16:14] The pre launch gets people engaged and excited. Then he had a pre-sale launch with bonuses. [17:44] He also tested upsells to use with the book like his list-building course. [21:35] Then he ran a special on The Product Launch Formula. [23:38] How the book has impacted future launches of The Product Launch Formula. [24:19] There is one PLF launch a year, the year after the book launch PLF increased by a million dollars. [25:12] Then it increased, even more, the following year up to 5.1 million. [26:10] PLF is a process that romances people into the sale with content. [29:02] The launch ends when you pull the product or when the price goes up or when the bonuses go away. [29:56] For books or lower priced items deliver value ahead of time and get people excited. [32:30] Sustaining sales and gaining momentum. [35:53] How Jeff doubled up marketing efforts to try and make the New York Times Bestseller list. [37:28] To get a bestseller make a great book. [39:02] The book has case studies that drive readers to Jeff's website. This generates leads and they ask for recommendations through word of mouth. [41:05] The book has impacted his business with high-quality leads and opt-ins. [43:02] Podcasts and interviews are also a result of the book. [44:09] Jeff ended up playing tennis with Richard Branson. [44:39] Writing a book is hard and rewarding. Have discipline and write. Get an editor. Launch with a plan and build anticipation. Don't stop after the launch.   Links and Resources: self-publishingschool.com Spsfreetraining.com Relax Melodies App 99designs Brendon Burchard Michael Hyatt Reid Tracy Richard Branson Jeff Walker Website Product Launch Formula The Launch Book

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