SPS 013: Beyond the Bestseller with Hal Elrod
#1 Bestselling Author of “The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)” Hal Elrod has managed to take this one book and build a business, following, and movement around it. He now has an entire “Miracle Morning” series and has had crazy success as a coach and speaker. Hal is also a good friend of mine who happens to live in San Diego. His book has had an amazing impact on my life as I have been consistently applying the principles. His book is not only life changing, but his story is incredible too. When Hal was 20 years old he was in a car accident where he was hit head-on by a drunk driver. He actually died for 6 minutes and ended up with 11 broken bones and was in a coma for 6 days. He was told that he would never walk again. He went on to not only walk but run a 52-mile ultra marathon. He was also prompted by his doctors to write a book about his experience. The beginning profits of his first book “Taking Life Head On! (The Hal Elrod Story): How To Love The Life You Have While You Create The Life of Your Dreams” were stolen by his first publisher. Hal bounced back again and went on to he create the life-changing “Miracle Morning” book, community, and business. Today we discuss Hal’s book and how he built a business around it. You can find Hal here: Miracle Morning Website Miracle Morning Facebook Community Hal’s Miracle Morning Books Hal Elrod Website Hal on Twitter @HalElrod Show Notes [03:05] Hal's first book was actually “Taking Life Head On”. He was so happy and positive in the hospital that the doctors suggested he write a book. It took 6 years because he thought he wasn't a writer. [05:23] Hal used a small Mom and Pop publisher for his 1st book “Taking Life Head On”, it even made it to number 6 on Amazon. He'll never know how much profit this book made to get to number 6 because his "publisher" left town and disappeared with all of his royalties. [05:56] The difference between writing a good book and a book that creates income and impact. [07:58] Looking at people from a place of non-judgement. Feeling sorry for people who wrong us rather than being angry. [08:51] Biggest takeaway: everyone should write a book. [10:43] Books are the new "business cards". [11:50] Our story, our struggles, and our strategies. We all can write about these three things. [13:16] The Miracle Morning was Hal's story, struggle, and strategy. [14:24] Miracle Morning took 4 years because of lack of clarity and other issues. [15:30] Hal hired a coach because he knows the power of accountability. [16:16] Having accountability, and the book was finished in 4 months. [18:42] To market his Miracle Morning book Hal created a launch team. He also put up an opt-in page with the first two chapters offered for free. He also made an audio opt-in which ran for two years while he wrote the book. [21:13] An email list is income on demand. [22:46] Have an audience ready months in advance before your book goes live. [23:48] The launch team reviewed the book and shared on social. [27:46] Hal had an assistant create a graph of how many books were sold. His biggest sales month was December 2014. It was nice watching the graph curve up. [30:52] Hal is working on Beyond the Bestseller. Writing a good book is the most important component. Change someone's daily behavior, and you create a movement. Build word of mouth into your book the book needs a story to share. [34:08] Get an accountability partner, don't go it alone. [37:55] Creating rituals around your content. 3 practices you do every day. [39:48] Podcast interviews really drive sales. [41:15] Hal is self-published and sells lots of books. His speaking fees have gone up and he has more opportunities. [47:27] Podcasts are great for promoting books. [48:38] Add value over and over, then ask when needed. [55:38] After writing a book the real work of marketing begins. Links and Resources: self-publishingschool.com Spsfreetraining.com How to Launch a Bestselling Book by Michael Hyatt Your Podcast Guru Miracle Morning Website Miracle Morning Facebook Community Hal’s Miracle Morning Books Hal Elrod Website Hal on Twitter @HalElrod