SPS 007: How to Turn Pro as a Writer with Jeff Goins
Jeff Goins is an author, speaker, and blogger. After working for seven years in the nonprofit world as a marketing and communications director, he now writes and speaks full time. He challenges people to make their messages matter through his blog, courses, and online events. Jeff is the author of five books including The Art of Work, Real Artists Don’t Starve, You Are a Writer, The In-Between, and Wrecked. Today, we are going to focus on the writing side of things, and how Jeff’s success has really exploded with his writing and with building his tribe. Jeff started writing when he realized that being a marketing director wasn’t for him. Prompting from a friend made Jeff realize that he was a writer, and he just needed to write. He wrote on his blog everyday, and the opportunities came. His success was a result of doing the daily practice of writing and realizing that he was a writer. Once Jeff began thinking of himself as a writer, writing is what he started doing. Thinking like a pro prompted Jeff to act like a pro. Listen in to hear more about Jeff’s story and his writing process. You can find Jeff here: Goins, Writer Show Notes [05:11] How activity follows identity. We have to change our mindset about who we are before we can do that thing. Turning pro in your head. [06:57] How Jeff went from writing blog posts to writing his first book. [09:20] Jeff's first ebook for side income turned into a surprise big earner. [10:47] The writing process for Jeff's first traditionally published book. [12:12] When writing a book, ask who am I at the beginning and at the end. It's a slower more gradual process than writing a blog post. [13:06] Nonfiction books solve problems. Every chapter answers another question. [15:00] Submitting a proposal and book outline. You want a book with other books like it, but with a unique message. [16:42] Writing what most excites you. It's OK to start in the middle. [17:06] Jeff's first book deal was a result of his ebook "The Writer's Manifesto", which he shared as a lead generation tool to build a list. He also reached out to influencers like Michael Hyatt. His list grew from 70 to 1000 in a week and kept growing. Then agent's began reaching out to him. He ended up with a book deal in 8 months. [21:20] Jeff's ebook process was about his audience. With short practical steps. [24:09] When writing books, you relearn writing with each new book. [25:33] With The Art of Work, Jeff was able to weave in all of his previous book writing lessons. [27:01] Creating something you would actually want to read. [27:54] How writing a book forces us to grow as a writer. [29:54] Having deadlines to create accountability. [30:59] Carve out time every day for writing. Intentionally block out writing time. [35:14] Writing blog posts while working on a book. The happy medium is to write on the blog, but most writing goes on the book. The more work you do, the more work you can do. Write in batches. [37:27] 3 bucket system. Ideas, drafts, and edits. An idea in Evernote, then 500-word draft, then polish and edit. [39:33] How the writing process is 3 different pieces. [40:08] Distractions and clutter restrict creativity. [40:59] The process of pulling order out of chaos. [41:32] Start writing every day. That is the mindset difference between amateurs and pros. Write 500 words a day to work those writing muscles. Links and Resources: self-publishingschool.com Spsfreetraining.com The Art of Work Real Artists Don’t Starve You Are a Writer The In-Between Wrecked Goins, Writer