Coronavirus Update for January 30 2020
THIS IS CORONAVIRUS 4-1-1. THE LATEST CORONAVIRUS INFO ON Thursday January 30th, 2020. China has announced that an additional 38 patients have died, bringing the death toll for Coronavirus to 170 with a total of 7700 diagnosed with Coronavirus in mainland China. THE World Health Organization notes 68 cases outside of China. ACCORDING TO THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL, SO FAR, THERE HAVE BEEN 5 CASES confirmed in the United States with 36 states having cases Pending Under Investigation. "WE'LL UPDATE THE LOCATIONS OF DIAGNOSES IN A MOMENT."Coronavirus diagnoses are as follows: California:1 in Los Angeles County, 1 in Orange County. Arizona:1 in Maricopa County Illinois: 1 in Cook County, city of Chicago Washington State: 1 in Snohomish County city of Everett. ANOTHER CORONAVIRUS 411 UPDATE DAILY... OR AS NEWS BREAKS. FIND THE LATEST INFORMATION AT C-D-C-DOT-GOV-SLASH-CORONAVIRUS OR ASK YOUR SMART SPEAKER FOR "CORONAVIRUS INFO". See for privacy and opt-out information.