#18 - Creating Retainers - Barry O'Kane
Meet Barry from Happy Porch. He focuses on turning what was pain, into success..... A lot of web designers and agencies are often wondering how they could evolve retainers. Check out this episode where Barry unpacks awesome advice for creating retainer packages. Come join us at the WP Innovator Facebook Group on: http://leejacksondev.com/group Action You Can Apply Today: Look at your team. Separate the core services you do, and the value add services. Consciously separate those out. See if you can get rid of some (the non profitable/time draining), or see if you can break them down into easier packages to manage client expectations. WordPress Plugins: White Label CMS: https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/white-label-cms/ Video User Manuals: http://www.videousermanuals.com/ Resources: Phillip Morgan - Positioning: https://philipmorganconsulting.com/ Brennan Dunn - Double your freelancing: http://doubleyourfreelancing.com/ Connect With Barry: Email: hello@happyporch.com Website: http://www.happyporch.com --- OUR EVENT: Do you want to make real change in your business? Join us at our in-person event Agency Transformation Live Meet Troy Dean; Lee Jackson, Chris Ducker, Kelly Baader, Amy Woods, Paul Lacey, Dave Foy and other legends in this fantastic conference focused on actionable steps that you can use to transform your agency. --- See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.