#16 - The Beaver Builder Team - Interview
What an honour! We have for you the Beaver Builder Team, the creators of the amazing visual builder for WordPress. Welcome Robby McCullough, Justin Busa and Billy Young who share with us their incredible journey. Before we crack on, please head on over to our private Facebook group and connect with us and the growing community of WP Innovators. You can find it on http://leejacksondev.com/group Action You Can Apply Today: What you see is what you get! Just go for it! Have faith in yourself and your ideas and make it happen. Solve a problem that you have and eventually a product will be birthed as a result. Connect With The Beaver Builder Team: Twitter: https://twitter.com/beaverbuilder Website: https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/?fla=189 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wpbeaverbuilder --- OUR EVENT: Do you want to make real change in your business? Join us at our in-person event Agency Transformation Live Meet Troy Dean; Lee Jackson, Chris Ducker, Kelly Baader, Amy Woods, Paul Lacey, Dave Foy and other legends in this fantastic conference focused on actionable steps that you can use to transform your agency. --- See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.