Episode 56: Biotechnology 3- How Medical Devices Interface and Integrate with our Body Systems. The development of biomaterials and micro devices.
This episode reviews the progress in developing biomaterials that allow for external and internal non - invasive interfaces with our various organs. A leading researcher reviews the requirements for such materials and shares some recent device developments.
Dr Chris J Bettinger, PhD:
"Christopher Bettinger is a Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the Departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Biomedical Engineering. He directs the laboratory for Biomaterials-based Microsystems and Electronics at CMU, which designs materials and interfaces that integrate medical devices with the human body. Dr. Bettinger has published over 90 articles and has been issued over 10 patents. He has received numerous honors including the MIT Tech Review TR35 Top Young Innovator under 35, and the DARPA Young Investigator Award."
During This Episode We Discuss:
The challenges of interfacing device technology to humans. Think of fitting a device to curved tissue, that's flexible, miniature and allows for continuous monitoring.
Materials Science: Bio Inspired Materials
Embedded Electronics
Noninvasive monitoring of the human Gastrointestinal trac
Recommended Resources:
Carnegie Mellon University, Faculty, Dr Chrisopher J Bettinger.
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