EY 19 HE'S A MAGIC MAN, MAMA with Mike Duseberg
In this episode, I speak with Entertainer, Mike Duseberg about the importance of creating connections through shared experiences. We discuss the significance of entertainment as it relates to corporate events, in both Live/Live and Virtual/Live, how great entertainers are able to “not cross the line,” and the evolution of everyone’s home studios. Mike Duseberg Website: www.MagicMeansBusiness.com LinkedIn: Mike Duseberg - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeduseberg/ An article by Mike we didn’t talk about on-air, but I thought was interesting and relevant: https://www.corporateeventnews.com/jeff-bezos-says-how-we-should-think-about-next-10-years Terri Walters Twitter: @TerriLWalters - https://twitter.com/TerriLWalters LinkedIn: @TerriLWalters - https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilwalters/ Email: Terri@MoonfishProduction.com Event Yak Website: https://www.eventyak.com/podcast Facebook: @TheEventYak - https://www.facebook.com/TheEventYak/ Email: terri@eventyak.com Moonfish Production, Ltd. Website: http://www.moonfishproduction.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/moonfish-production-ltd-/ Facebook: @MoonfishCreative - https://www.facebook.com/MoonfishCreative/ Email: info@MoonfishProduction.com Episode 19 By the Numbers: 00:00 | Terri Walters Meet Mike Duseberg: Entertainer, Magician, Mind-Reader, Marketer and all-around nice guy! 02:36 | Mike Duseberg The magic of connecting people, building relationships and creating networking opportunities through entertainment and engagement. 03:30 | Mike Duseberg Falling into magic – seeing the future at a very young age. 08:12 | Terri Walters / Mike Duseberg Doing virtual magic in a COVID world – challenges and opportunities. 10:32 | Terri Walters / Mike Duseberg Defining the purpose of “Entertainment”– to command attention and transport the mind elsewhere – and how it applies to any speaker who needs to deliver a message on stage. 14:10 | Terri Walters / Mike Duseberg Is “Entertainment” really necessary? Entertaining and engaging audiences, virtually – building connections and common ground to create memorable experiences. 17:23 | Terri Walters / Mike Duseberg Working with corporate insiders to deliver the right sale a marketing messages for the client. 23:47 | Terri Walters / Mike Duseberg Is FUN “taboo” these days? How do we get back to having some normalcy, and human connectivity, in our lives? How does “fun” feed into creativity and help corporations grow? 27:39 | Terri Walters / Mike Duseberg Walking the entertainment line … how do we talk to each other, without offense, in a world that many might consider hyper-sensitive? 29:30 | Terri Walters / Mike Duseberg Tech talk – what works? Taking baby steps, building home studios and learning when and how to jump into the virtual work world.