EY 8 THE STORYTELLER with David Landgraf

David Landgraf is a storyteller, and if you have an event, he wants to tell your story. In this episode, we discuss the importance of getting those stories right. We also discuss the unique ability to see the details while not losing site of the big picture, staging in NYC, and we wrap with a topic near and dear to David’s heart: Sustainability.   David’s “4 E’s” – Excite, Empower, Educate and Entertain Our newly-created “hashtags on the fly” – #Community, #EventsUnite, #DetoxToRetox   Organizations we discussed regarding sustainability: City Harvest NYC: https://www.cityharvest.org/ God’s Love We Deliver: https://www.glwd.org/ TransferNation.org: http://transfernation.org/   Organizations that support Event Planners: MPI (Meeting Planners International): https://www.mpi.org/ ILEA (International Live Events Association: https://www.ileahub.com/   David Landgraf Make It Happen Management Website: https://www.makeithappenmgmt.com/ Twitter: @makeithappenmgm LinkedIn:  https://www.instagram.com/makeithappenmgmt/ Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/makeithappenmgmt/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makeithappenmgmt/   Terri Walters: Twitter: @TerriLWalters LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilwalters/ Email: Terri@MoonfishProduction.com   Event Yak: Website: www.eventyak.com Facebook: @TheEventYak Email: terri@eventyak.com   Moonfish Production, Ltd.: Website: www.moonfishproduction.com Facebook: @MoonfishCreative Email: info@MoonfishProduction.com   Episode 8 By the Numbers: 00:00 | Terri Walters Meet, storyteller extraordinaire, David Landgraf: CEO and Founder, Make It Happen Management.   03:58 | David Landgraf A silver lining emerges from the shutdown … enter Chill a Connect. The keys to event success: The FOUR E’s: Excite, Empower, Educate and Entertain.   08:18 | Terri Walters What does MAKE IT HAPPEN mean to you?   10:22 | David Landgraf   How David’s former spy life created a solid foundation to springboard into creating exciting and engaging events.   13:29 | Terri Walters What makes you DIFFERENT, UNIQUE, SPECIAL?   15:56 | David Landgraf On telling the client’s story.   16:53 | Terri Walters / David Landgraf What are some of the challenges of staging in NEW YORK?   21:57| David Landgraf The ultimate wedding planning story.   26:46 | Terri Walters What surprises you? What’s your creative process? How and where do you find inspiration?   33:25| David Landgraf On mentoring, nurturing minds and giving back to the industry and to the community.  

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