Chief Bobby Halton is nothing if not authentic and genuine. I speak with the Education Director of FDIC, one of the biggest Fire and First Responder events in the world, about how he prepares for a week-long odyssey, from a city-wide takeover with real hands on training, to a monster-large exhibition, to preparing for and rehearsing for his part in Opening Ceremonies, Bobby provides a lot of punch in this hour. Bobby Halton Twitter: @BobbyHalton LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobby-halton-b342a36/ Email: BobbyHalton@gmail.com Personal Website: http://bobbyhalton.com/ Fire Engineering Magazine Website: https://www.fireengineering.com Terri Walters: Twitter: @TerriLWalters LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilwalters/ Email: Terri@MoonfishProduction.com Event Yak: Website: www.eventyak.com Facebook: @TheEventYak Email: terri@eventyak.com Moonfish Production, Ltd.: Website: www.moonfishproduction.com Facebook: @MoonfishCreative Email: info@MoonfishProduction.com Episode 7 By the Numbers: 00:00 | Terri Walters Meet Chief Bobby Halton: Education Director and the Face of FDIC (The Fire Department Instructors Conference); Editorial Director, Clarion Fire Rescue Group. 06:37 | Bobby Halton The evolution of FDIC and communication … 1928 onward. 13:57 | Terri Walters Paint a picture for me of the amazing FIDC Conference Experience: Pre-Con, Workshops, Hands-On-Training, The EXPO, and The Main Stage. 16:49 | Bobby Halton How FDIC rolls … from the PRACTICAL, to the POMP, to the PRAYER, to the FIGHT. We do Objective Reality. We do LIFE and DEATH. Finding meaning in finding meaning. 27:39 | Terri Walters The importance of the emotional connection. How do you become the BEST PREPARED speaking in the industry? 34:24 | Bobby Halton Who we are in the Fire Service … dealing in the real world. 38:51 | Bobby Halton 10,000 people, listening as one. 40:13| Terri Walters / Bobby Halton Engaging emotionally with the audience and Unplugged Politics. 45:23 | Terri Walters / Bobby Halton The pillars of speaking success: Preparation, Discipline, Practice. And R-E-S-P-E-C-T for you audience. 49:46 | Bobby Halton Becoming a public speaker. Own it. Be the legend.