EY 2 FLYING AT 30,000 FEET with Bob Bierman
In this interview, Bob Bierman provides a 30,000-foot look at what the future of events looks like, how to cultivate and prepare your event talent, and the importance of trying new things, and possibly failing. We talk about the impacts COVID-19, as well as how the industry in general, is evolving. Bob Bierman: Twitter: @BobBierman LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/bobbierman/ Email: bbierman@g100.com G100 Network: https://g100network.com/ Terri Walters: Twitter: @TerriLWalters LinkedIn: Twitter: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilwalters/ Moonfish Production: www.moonfishproduction.com Facebook: @MoonfishCreative Email: info@moonfishproduction.com Event Yak: www.eventyak.com Facebook: @TheEventYak Email: terri@eventyak.com Episode 2 By the Numbers: 00:00 | Terri Walters Bob Bierman: Convener, Catalyst, and Job Creator. 04:00 | Bob Bierman The impact of COVID-10 on Live Events. Will they come back? How will things change? 09:45 | Terri Walters The Live Events industry has come to a grinding halt before, after the dot-com bubble, 911, and the 2008 Great Recession. How does the industry need to evolve this time? How do we, as professionals, support each other and keep moving forward? 13:03 | Terri Walters Bob Bierman’s career evolution and on delivering C-Suite, high-value conferences around the world. 18:30 | Bob Bierman On delivering value in the new event paradigm: The Membership Model. 26:14 | Bob Bierman The Media Event World: The now and future customization of the audience-driven business. 33:15 | Terri Walters Commoditizing Networking at Events. Where do we go from here? 37:14 | Terri Walters The Main Stage: How do you cultivate dynamic live content? 44:28 | Terri Walters Especially now, how do you encourage people to try new things? 46:24 | Bob Bierman On building world-class teams, taking risks and carving out new adventures.