EY 1 Welcome to Event Yak
In this episode of Event Yak, Terri tees up the show, and tells you why she decided to launch an Event Industry podcast. Terri's Socials: Twitter: @TerriLWalters LinkedIn: Twitter: https://www.linkedin.com/in/terrilwalters/ Moonfish Production: www.moonfishproduction.com Facebook: @MoonfishCreative Email: info@moonfishproduction.com Event Yak: www.eventyak.com Facebook: @TheEventYak Email: terri@eventyak.com Episode 1 By the Numbers: 01:08 Terri discusses the “What, How and Why” 02:03 Why launch a podcast now? 06:03 This is not our first rodeo, y'all! We’ve been through the Tech Wreck, 9/11, The Great Recession, and now this. 12:08 We live in our own, separate silos, and we need to come together for each other. 14:19 This is something I was meant to do.