The Candid Frame #42 - Sean Arbabi
Sean Arbabi is a commercial photographer specializing in adventure, lifestyle, nature, a travel - for advertising, corporate, a editorial clients. He has had freelance a contracted assignments with over 250 publications and 125 companies worldwide.Credits include American Express, Backpacker, California Division of Tourism, The Daily Telegraph, Endless Vacation, Fuji Film USA, GEO Germany, Inside Sport-Australia, JC Penny, Microsoft, National Geographic Adventure a Traveler, The New York Times, Newsweek, Nikon Inc., The North Face, Outside, Random House, REI, Runner's World, Sports Illustrated, Timex, Via magazine, a Woodbridge wines. Sean has shot over 200 assignments for Sunset, a authored numerous feature articles displaying his photography.A native Californian, his family moved to Iran in 1972, a after living in Tehran for four years, returned to the San Francisco Bay Area in 1976 where Sean makes his home todaywith his wife and two cutie-patutie daughters.You can see more of his work by visiting .For streaming audio or subscribe to the podcast for free viaSean Arbabi recommends the work of .Book Recommendation: .