Preparing for YOUR Review (Part 1 of 2)
We spent a lot of time at the end of last year talking about how to write someone else’s review.What should you do to prepare for your own?Think of it this way. Suppose you had three folks working for you, and one of the three spent a couple of hours over the previous months preparing for their time with you. They had reviewed the entire year, prepared better information for you for their review, and had taken their time writing their self-evaluation, including specific data to support their points.Wouldn’t that be impressive? If there were a close call to be made, might it go in your direction?In this cast, we walk you through everything YOU need to do to prepare for YOUR review with YOUR boss.And if you think it’s too early, think again – the timeline is THREE MONTHS! ;-)And, by the way, during the show we promised a couple of things. You'll find all of these in the Manager Tools website under Tools section under Preparing for Your Review Documents ( 1) A complete transcript of the entire show 2) A Powerpoint presentation (in PDF form) with a detailed outline of the review preparation process 3) A detailed note-taking form to guide you through the process. Folks, no note-taking required ... we've done all the work for you. As we discussed on the discussion boards, these are examples of what you'll get with our premium membership program ... which will be announced shortly!Note: So everyone can get a look at the documents associated with this podcast, we're making this month's member-only cast available to ALL listeners. Enjoy!