Don't Be Evil-ish?
Notes At a company, ethical behavior starts at the top Being ethical at the beginning of a firm is easy compared to the grey areas that show up as features and marketplace opportunities evolve External partners with different ethics can put pressure on a firm that is trying to be ethical in its own actions There's no solid lines for determining ethical behavior. The law can't handle it all. Google's Don't Be Evil slogan did us all a disservice by taking a vague stand. Doing harm and being evil are not necessarily the same thing. Often the problem is that company leaders determine what's ethical based solely on how they feel about things. They leave empathy out of the determination. When you join a firm that has a "trial period" it's also your opportunity to research the ethics of the firm and find out if you want to work there long term Links Google Code of Conduct in 2010 Don't be evil - Wikipedia Alphabet replaces Google's 'Don't be evil' with 'Do the right thing' - Endgadget Facebook and Cambridge Analytica data breach - Wikipedia Vibes Media ClosingThanks for listening to the CTO Think Podcast.Shownotes and previous episodes can be found on our website at www.ctothink.comReviews on Apple iTunes are always appreciated and help promote the show.Patreon contributions help us to produce transcripts, which allow people that are deaf or hard-of-hearing to access the show.For questions, comments, or things you'd like to hear on future shows, please email us at hello@ctothink.comShow music is Dumpster Dive by Marc Walloch, licensed by PremiumBeat.comVoiceover work by MeganVoices.comYou'll hear from us next week!