Lindsay Peoples Wagner: Editor-in-Chief, Teen Vogue
At just 28-years-old, Lindsay Peoples Wagner is the youngest Editor-in-Chief at any major publication. After spending time at Teen Vogue as an intern,, and the Cut, Lindsay established her voice in the industry - tackling race, culture, and politics through fashions lens. In September 2018, she penned Everywhere and Nowhere: What it's really like to be black and work in fashion, an expose on the fashion industry with over 150 testimonials from people of color from designers, assistants, models, and more that highlighted the abuse of black culture as a marketing tool, while simultaneously rejecting black people within the industry opportunities. Now she's bringing her voice to Teen Vogue where she's leveraging her position to create space for inclusive, diverse, and important conversations for the next generation. In this episode, we go behind the scenes of Lindsay Peoples Wagner's Teen Vogue, from some of her favorite moments, to their 3rd annual Acne Awards, to covers with talent like Serena Williams and Naomi Wadler, Millie Bobbie Brown, and Lil Nas X. We also talk about our hopes for a more inclusive fashion industry and how she's fearlessly keeping the next generation informed. This episode is brought to you by @AirFrance #franceisintheair For more, follow us on @livvperez and @friendofafriend and sign up for our newsletter on