Why You Need to Talk About Risk - PEMAC's MainTrain Conference
This week's episode is a presentation that Rob Kalwarowsky gave at PEMAC's MainTrain conference on September 18th titled, "Why You Need to Talk About Risk". I want to thank PEMAC for letting me share my thoughts and for collaborating me on the Edmonton Maintenance a Reliability monthly meetups. To check out PEMAC, go to pemac.org. If you're in Edmonton and you want to come to the monthly meetup, send me an email to robsreliabilityproject@gmail.com and I will add you to my email list. If you haven't yet, check out my website robsreliability.com and sign up for the weekly reliability newsletter with bonus content. If you like the show, please tell your colleagues about it and follow Rob's Reliability Project on LinkedIn and YouTube. Finally, if there are any topics, guests you'd like to hear from, questions you want answered, or if you'd like to appear on the podcast, email me at robsreliabilityproject@gmail.com Check out UpKeep - http://www.robsreliability.com/upkeep/ Follow Rob's Reliability Project on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/robsreliabilityproject/ Follow Rob's Reliability Project on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/robsreliabilityproject/