Kevin Harrington’s #1 Productivity Tip

Today we’re going to talk about how the number 1440 can change your life, and I’m also going to share what Kevin Harrington (who is worth a mere 500 million) told me was the secret to his massive productivity and success. What you’re going to learn: The productivity secrets of self-made millionaires and high achievers (habits, hacks, time tricks) What Kevin Harrington, (inventor of the infomercial and Shark Tank original co-host) told me was his #1 secret to extreme productivity How successful people measure what their time is worth Key Quotes: “Our behaviors follow our beliefs.” “Time never comes back.” “Master your minutes to master your life.” YOUR FREE BONUS: 1440 Ready-To-Print Sign () Read Full Transcript Welcome everyone to the very first episode of the Extreme Productivity podcast. I'm Kevin Kruse and I've interviewed over 200 billionaires, millionaires, entrepreneurs, Olympic athletes, and even Ivy League straight-A students to find out just what their secrets to extreme productivity are. Today we're going to talk about how the number 1440 can change your life. I'm also going to share what Kevin Harrington, who's worth a mere $500 million, told me was the secret to his massive productivity and success. First, if you want to achieve your goals faster than every before, grab your smartphone and text the word 'achieve' to 44222 and I'll send you the 1 page planning tool that millionaires use to schedule their day. Just text the word 'achieve' to 44222 or you can visit the website, What are the productivity secretes of self made multi-millionaires and other super high achievers? You're probably interested in hearing about things to do. Habits, hacks, little time tricks, maybe a few apps to download, but the single most important thing when it comes to time and productivity isn't a tactic or even some trick, it's a shift in your mindset. Don't bail out on me just yet, this will get practical. Our behaviors follow our beliefs. Write this down, this is gospel: Our behaviors follow our beliefs. Listen, if I believe smoking cigarettes makes me look really cool and keeps me looking skinny and good in my black Armani suits, I just might be up to a pack a day at this point. But, if my belief, if I believe that cigarettes are nails in my coffin, they're little cancer sticks and they make me and my Armani suit stink, well, then I'm going to be less likely to take up the habit of smoking. Our behaviors follow our beliefs. All of the highly successful people that I studied when I talked to them about time management, when I talked to them about productivity, the one thing they did all have in common is that they think about time differently. I would even say they experience time differently. Kevin Harrington, he's best known as the inventor of the infomercial. He's one of the Shark Tanks original co-hosts, he had this to say, he told me, "Before I decide to take on a new project, I analyze it. How much of my time will this take and what is my financial upside potential? I create a dollar-per-minute analysis. Hopefully a million dollar per week upside." That is crazy. He's looking for a million dollar per week upside. That catches our attention but that's not the important part of his statement. The important part is he's focusing on a dollar-per-minute analysis. He and ultra productive people really understand that time is our most valuable asset. It's just not lip service. Money, we can go dead broke and make it all back again. I've seen that with friends and family members over and over again. We can lose our health; we can get sick, we can get our health back again. We can even lose the loves of our live and find new love. I know that sounds cold but think about what percentage of people fall madly in love and get married and then they get divorced and a year or

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